We coach organizations and individuals to their highest success.
- Individualized career development plan
- Use Myers Briggs and Strong Inventory
- 10 Steps to Success HRD Star Model
- Coaching to fully maximize strengths
- Minimize/remove any career derailers
- Creating strategic plan to get promoted
- College readiness with situational prep
- Assistance with college selection process
- Application review by post graduate staff
- Career planning for technical careers
- Coaching in all areas of self improvement
- Health and wellness goal achievement
- Relationship building and enhancement
- Family coaching and couples mediation
Individualized career development plan
Use Myers Briggs and Strong Inventory
10 Steps to Success HRD Star Model
Coaching to fully maximize strengths
Minimize/remove any career derailers
Creating strategic plan to get promoted
College readiness with situational prep
Assistance with college selection process
Application review by post graduate staff
Career planning for technical careers
Coaching in all areas of self improvement
Health and wellness goal achievement
Relationship building and enhancement
Family coaching and couples mediation